Generic Oil Change Reminder Stickers

From $5.95

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Oil change reminder stickers serve the purpose of reminding your clients when to revisit your shop for an oil change. Generic oil change reminder stickers are available in four languages and four different materials with the following texts:

English [Oil Change – Your next service is due – Mileage/Date/Grade]
French [Changement d’huile – Prochain changement d’huile le – KMs/Date/Grade]
Spanish [Cambio de Aceite – Proximo Servicio – Kilometraje/Fecha/Calidad]
German [Öl wechsel – Nächster Service-Termin – KM-Stand/Datum/Ölsorte]

Besides the generic version, we offer customization as well! Use our built-in Online Product Customizer for creating your own design by clicking here.


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